By Becca Evenson
It is important to
remember that critical thinking is developed with the assistance of someone
more advanced than the student. These
activities work best when done with a parent or older sibling; they do not work
in a vacuum. Teaching critical thinking
is also difficult if it is not practiced by the adults in the child's
life. Do your children hear you
discussing the "pros" and "cons" of a certain
activity? Are current events discussed
and reviewed? Are you careful with the
decisions made for your family, or do you take the path of least
resistance? Remember, children learn
what they live!
Early discovery learners spend much
of their time learning critical thinking skills automatically. As toddlers, they observe, and then attempt,
such tasks as setting the table, building with blocks, or returning books to
the shelf, they practice creating patterns, establishing order, and comparing
size and shape. Doing chores teaches
them to create order from chaos. The ability to accomplish a job even when they
do not want to is a skill that will serve them well when faced with paradoxes
and challenges as they learn.
As they grow, find
ways to encourage them to classify, match, sequence, and explore. Look for opportunities to use the following
cause and effect
listening counting/ordering sets
Also look for ways
to produce or acquire games/activities that allow them to spend time with the
nesting cups/building blocks
matching games, lotto boards (such
as bingo), dominoes
word games
dot-to-dot pages
hidden pictures
sequencing cards/activities
picture books without words
Critical thinking
games to consider for purchase:
(Consider asking for some of these when Grandma wants ideas for
birthdays or holidays.)
Think-It-Through Tiles (Discovery
Giant Pegboard (Discovery Toys)
Playful Patterns (Discovery Toys)
Number/picture slide
Camelot Jr. (Smart Games)
Mighty Mind (Leisure Learning
Products, Inc.)
Later discovery learners have
already begun establishing a mental picture of the way the world works. Take that opportunity to introduce activities
and habits that will assist them is building a correct, clear concept of the
world around them. Otherwise, they may
begin to rely on an odd (sometimes humorous) logic all their own! Just remember to keep things concrete and
literal. The time for abstract games
will come soon enough.
word searches (use while they are
still learning to spell)
brain teasers
Brown books
puzzles, tangrams, pentominoes, soma
word problems
I own a game called Drive Ya Nuts
(Mattel). It is no longer available for
purchase, but if you look for it on Google , there are a number of sites that
have directions for making your own version.
thinking games to consider for purchase (These also work for later learners.)
Rush Hour (Thinkfun)
Square by Square (Thinkfun)
Cuisenaire Rods and books
(Cuisenaire Co. of America)
Wrap-ups (Learning Wrap-ups)
Labyrinth Board Game (Ravensburger)
Tilt (Thinkfun)
Blokus (Mattel)
Izzi (Thinkfun)
Cool Moves (Thinkfun)
River Crossing (Thinkfun)
Analysis learners are beginning to
understand abstract thought, and humor. They
can seem to question everything you say and expect. Stay calm.
They need to learn how to challenge other's thought processes with
courtesy, and logic. As you talk them
through the challenges, you teach them to think for themselves (which is what
we want them to do when faced with the world's logic and values!). Now is the time to introduce current events
and opinion as a regular part of their academics. Go ahead and ask them questions for which
they do not have the answers. Then help them
go find them. You can also encourage
their ability to pick things apart with any of the following:
logic problems
vocabulary activities
grammar study
Critical thinking
games to consider for purchase
Equate(Conceptual Math Media)
Q-Bitz (Mindware)
Wrap-ups (Learning Wrap-ups)
Visual Brainstorms 1and 2 (Thinkfun)
TipOver (Thinkfun)
Rubik's Cube
any game listed for later discovery
Application learners should be
preparing for life after their teen-age years.
Proficiency in expressing themselves with clarity both verbally and on
paper should be a major focus of their studies. Continue with the things they
were doing previously, simply add the following:
editorial writing and analysis
formal logic study