Summer is a great time for a change of pace...let your hair down.
Let these ideas add you your summer fun and learning.
Let these ideas add you your summer fun and learning.
Step into the past
Visit or volunteer at This is the Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake or the American West Heritage Center in Logan.
Visit or volunteer at This is the Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake or the American West Heritage Center in Logan.
Take a picnic and go to the canyon (or go camping)
Identify animal tracks or homes. Identify plant flora and fauna.
Identify animal tracks or homes. Identify plant flora and fauna.
Learn more about
provident living
Find on alternative cooking methods. Don't turn on your stove or oven for three days. Learn to make cheese. Learn to make soap. Stockpile your wood for winter
Find on alternative cooking methods. Don't turn on your stove or oven for three days. Learn to make cheese. Learn to make soap. Stockpile your wood for winter
Celebrate the 4th of
JulyRead about the founding
fathers and then have a costume party. Attend a parade. Or be in the
Celebrate Pioneer Day
Make pioneer costumes. Participate in a primary parade.
Make pioneer costumes. Participate in a primary parade.
Learn to sew or teach your children to sew, knit, crochet or any other handicraft. Get involved in 4-H either as a family or by joining a club. Attend the county fair. Get involved in the county fair.
Learn to sew or teach your children to sew, knit, crochet or any other handicraft. Get involved in 4-H either as a family or by joining a club. Attend the county fair. Get involved in the county fair.
about finances
Hold a yard sale or find some other family project to raise some extra cash. This can vary from selling produce from your garden at the local farmers market to mowing lawns or doing yardwork. Be creative the possibilities are endless. Frequent yard sales and learn how far a dollar can go. Teens can get their own jobs and save some money for college or missions. Work together.
Hold a yard sale or find some other family project to raise some extra cash. This can vary from selling produce from your garden at the local farmers market to mowing lawns or doing yardwork. Be creative the possibilities are endless. Frequent yard sales and learn how far a dollar can go. Teens can get their own jobs and save some money for college or missions. Work together.
Participate in the summer reading program at the library.
Participate in the summer reading program at the library.
Build a treehouse. Attend a Luau. Attend local community celebration days. Watch for atisians, rides, perfomances (music, dances). Clean up your property. Take swimming classes or learn to scuba dive.
Build a treehouse. Attend a Luau. Attend local community celebration days. Watch for atisians, rides, perfomances (music, dances). Clean up your property. Take swimming classes or learn to scuba dive.
guides. Our favorites are by Golden Press and DK Publishing
Hand-on Pioneers by Yvonne
Young Merrill
Wild Days by Karen
LDS Game Book by Alma Heaton
Scouting merit badge
Art and Craft Activities by Rita Hoppert, Ed. D.
Long Ago Lake: A Child's Book of Nature Lore and Crafts by Marne
North American Birdfeeder
Handbook by Robert Burton
Star Gazers Map to the Stars:A
Field Guide for the Northern Hemisphere
by Rolf J. Kappeli
Featuring Six Glow-In-The Dark Star Charts with Star Constellation and Key Star Glossary
by Rolf J. Kappeli
Featuring Six Glow-In-The Dark Star Charts with Star Constellation and Key Star Glossary
Enjoy your summer!
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